Music Title: 【Gakupo, KAITO, Len】 "trick and treat"
Singers: がくっぽいど(Gackpoid), KAITO, 鏡音レン(Len Kagamine)
Voice modulated by ダブルカバーP(DoubleCover-P)
Originally sung by 鏡音リン(Rin Kagamine),鏡音レン(Len Kagamine)
Music & Lyrics written by OSTER-project
Japanese Lyrics (written by OSTER-project)
深い深い 霧の中 妖艶に響く声
おいでおいで この森のもっと奥深くまで
早く早く 急ぎ足で出来るだけ近くに
おいでおいで さぁ愉しい 遊戯(あそび)を始めよう
苦ささえ忘れて 甘い夢の中
天蓋に護られて 眠りに堕ちる
足元ご注意 その手は僕が引くから
その身を今すぐに 委ねなさい さぁ
映し出した影に思わず 身の毛がよだった
おやおや悪い子 もうお目覚めですか?
目隠しが解けたなら 盲目にしようか?
ほらほら笑いなさい 可愛いお顔で
毛皮をまた被って 芝居に戻る
どうしたのそんな目で 身体を震わせて
さぁ中にお入り ここはとても温かい
ちょうだい 早く早く ねぇほら 今すぐに
まやかしでもてなして 甘い蜜を吸って
ちょうだい よこせ ほら 今すぐに
English Lyrics (translated by Blacksaingrain)
*The translation and the interpretation are only for this video, NOT for the original:
In the heavy heavy fog, bewitching voices resound through.
Come here, Come here, come to a deeper place of the forest.
Hurry, Hurry, quicken your pace and come near as you can.
Come here, Come here, Now, let's begin a play with a lot of fun.
A cinnamon stick is a magic stick.
Swing it once, and the syrup would increase.
Even forgetting bitterness, you’re now in a sweet dream.
Under a canopy, you drop off into sleep.
Just be in a hypnotic trance of illusion.
If you take off the blindfold, it'll take the fun out of everything,
Watch your steps. I'll lead you by the hand.
Put yourself into my hands at once. Come on!
(I) don't remember when,
But the edge of suspicious became to go in and out of (my) mind.
(I) came to aware love couldn't be an indulgence.
(I) peek at a lantern through the blindfold.
And shadows lamplighten by it set (my) teeth on edge.
Aw-oh. How naughty you are! It’s too early to be awakened.
If the blindfold was taken off, shall I make you blind?
Come on, show me your sweet smile,
We'll put on fur again and put on a play again.
"No, No, No, No, No!"
What's the matter? Why are you shivering and staring us like that?
Shall I treat you to some hot milk?
Now, come in. It’s so warm in here.
Yeah, just give me what you have in your pocket in return.
Give it at once! Hey, come on! Right now!
Flinging off a rule of choosing between two things.
We treat you to tricks and suck the sweet syrup.
Give it! Give us! Now! At once!
Give it to us!
Original video on Nico Nico Video
Subbed video on Youtube
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